Brandmarks of Neocities and Rust

Empowering Neocities users: introducing an Rust CLI for rapid website management

February 15, 2023

The web hosting platform Neocities is a popular option for those seeking a cost-effective way to establish an online presence. To accelerate the process of syncing the latest developments from your local environment to the hosting platform, I am excited to announce the release of an open-source Rust project—an intuitive command-line interface (CLI) designed for managing Neocities websites through the platform’s API.

Project Highlights

Rust-based Neocities-CLI demo

The desire to simplify my managing of Neocities websites inspired this open-source project. While the platform offers a user-friendly interface, some users, like me, prefer the efficiency and flexibility of command-line tools. This Rust-based Neocities CLI is a lightweight tool that enables users to interact with the platform’s API instead of mousing around in a web browser.

Command Highlights

1. list - Explore the contents of your Neocities website with the list command.

neocities_cli list /<remote_path>

2. diff - The diff command allows you to compare local and remote paths, indicating what needs to be synced between your local development environment and a Neocities website.

neocities_cli diff ./<local_path>

3. upload - Upload files to a Neocities website with the upload command.

neocities_cli upload index.html

4. delete - Confidently remove files from your Neocities website with the delete command. Keep your content up-to-date and clutter-free.

neocities_cli delete old_page.html

5. info - The info command provides valuable insights into your Neocities website. Quickly retrieve information about your site, such as stats on views, hits, and time of updates.

neocities_cli info <my_website>

Whether you’re a developer, content creator, or a Neocities enthusiast, this command-line interface makes the process of updating, deleting, and managing your Neocities website a cinch. Streamline your web development workflow with Neocities CLI—deploy changes with a single command.

Interested in collaborating with me?

Whether you’re envisioning a bespoke website, a user-friendly application, or a specialized online experience, I’d love to learn about it. Send me an email or connect with me on any of the following platforms.